Second Life
- Entrepreneur gain great profits via cyberspace, they can make real money buying and selling virtual items with no rules attached.
- Used to socialise, more than 9.8 million people use it for different reasons, huge rise from a mere four characters in 2002.
- Linden dollars is the currency used within the game and converts to roughly 500 linden dollars to the pound.
- The creator of second life (Philip Rosedale)makes money by selling land and charging for the rent of the land.
- The first consumer to make a million pounds from it was 'Anshe Chung'. She made the money from trading exclusively on second life.
- Company Linden Lab grows by 15-20% a month, which is pretty massive. Other companies havemade advantages from it by creating online virtual stores, including Toshiba, Sony and Reebok.
- Products advertised and used in the virtual world can be linked to other internet sources for real life purchase.
Virtual World Games
- World of Warcraft - 8,500,000 players use it online
- LOTR Online (CODEMASTER) had 40-50 million pounds invested into it to create the life like online virtual game.